Thursday, August 30, 2012

Operation Johnny Hempseed

Operation Johnny Hempseed

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere."
~ George Washington

In the tradition of an American Legend, there is proposed a nationwide, community based, civilian act of civic minded activism with the purposeful intent of rendering, through aggressive action, the forced nullification of current prohibition laws concerning the natural, biblically sanctioned, historic agricultural product known as Hemp/Cannabis.  This is an act of passive yet aggressive civil disobedience focused on the national dispersion of seeds from hemp/cannabis plants in an effort to, as George Washington suggested, sow the seed across the land, from sea to shining sea and across the fruited plain.  Two primary methods of dispersal are to be suggested as well as a sub-cultural publicity campaign to accompany.  The ultimate effect of this program is to ensure that the Hemp/Cannabis plant is so firmly rooted across this country and as widely and diversely spread as possible so as to insure it against any future possibility of eradication.

Insofar as the propagation of the plant, the dispersal of seeds is paramount.  Therefore, any individual who finds themselves in the possession of Hemp/Cannabis seed and who does not intend any specific use of those seeds such as a food product or any other commercial or personal use, should undertake the role suggested herein.  By assuming the mantle of Johnny Hempseed, any seed possessing citizen activist should actively dispose of any unwanted seed through the simple act of tossing said seed from the window of their moving vehicle, anywhere.  For those Patriots who find this method too simple, the suggestion is to take a hike, enjoy the scenery offered in this great land, either in one’s own community or in any of the many bountiful and beautiful public expanses which span this land.  The result optimally would be a wild profusion of Hemp/Cannabis plants across the country.

For the urban-bound activist, or for those who choose to take a slightly more aggressive stance, it is recommended that the sowing of seeds to focus on those areas associated with Government use.  Though public parks may appear the perfect place for such a profusion of purposeful propagation, preferred are the planter pots positioned in place on or around such civic locations as libraries, courthouses, police stations and post offices.  In other words, in those public areas which belong to all, those locations which are designated as places wherein the public is served, the greatest attention should be made to insure that the will of the people in re the repeal of Hemp/Cannabis prohibition is expressed.  Property in use by religious institutions which accept public, taxpayer monies are to also be considered fair game for the covert yet public spreading of the Hemp/Cannabis seed, under the justification that by the acceptance of public monies, such religious institutions therefore forfeit sovereignty and become secular, government institutions.

On the cultural front, it is those hold high places who, with the influence inherent in their posts, must take firm hold the tiller of this ship of State and steer it the direction desired by those in whose service they are sworn to lead.  It is with the Musician and the Artist to whom the duty falls to spread the seed of awareness through the power of imagery, visual and visceral, of music purposeful and impassioned, to raise the consciousness of a people and herald forth the changes sought.  It is the Preacher at the pulpit and the Philosopher in the field who, from their positions of influence, must focus the attentions of a nation on the moral and ethical concerns which apply and upon solutions sanctioned through texts revered and history revealed.  At last, it is the Captains of Industry who must stand fast at the wheel to navigate the nation through the turbulent seas of change which face this Nation and guide us through to a more prosperous future wherein the seeds of progress are nurtured to fruition.

To the Musicians of America a special call is made above and beyond all others in the raising of awareness insofar as this particular operation is concerned.  Through the countless diversity of American music, a request is made for such artists of all genres to, based upon the simple concept of a modified legend, create uncounted unique compositions based on the theme of “The Legend of Johnny Hempseed”.  With not one but a multitude of variations, of lyrics, of styles all connected through a simple, unified theme, not only is the core concept of Hemp/Cannabis legal reform spread, but the beautiful, diverse heritage of American musical styles are celebrated as one through a common social, political theme.  Music as a diverse expression of American Determinism should be used to its utmost power to unify a concept and reaffirm our Founder’s aims.

The 50:420 States Plan

The 50:420 States Plan

This is not a presumption to dictate to the States the use of funds received through the State level portion of the “Hemp Tax” but simply a recommendation.  It is impossible to think exclusively, when contemplating the possibilities of a Federal “Hemp Tax”, and ignore the possibilities that exist on the State level.  While the possibilities that exist with Proposition 420 insofar as revitalizing the national economy as well as benefiting multiple segments of the population are broad and sweeping, there exists more which can be done.  Thus, without attempting to dictate to the fifty sovereign States the manner in which their individual State “Hemp Tax” revenues should be allocated, what follows is a rather broad suggestion only.

The basic idea behind the 50:420 States Plan is to offer a general outline for revenue spending of State “Hemp Tax” revenues.  What is offered is a simple list of 4 suggestions with a remainder of 20% left to be decided by the Citizens of each State.  The four suggestions are as follows:

1)    20% of the total revenue garnered by the State “Hemp Tax” to be disbursed equally amongst the full time Citizens of the State.  Inspired by the manner in which the Governor of Alaska appropriately ‘shared the wealth’ of the State owned resources insofar as natural energy amongst the Citizens of that state, being that Hemp/Cannabis tax revenues acquired on the State level belong to the Citizens of that state, an equal disbursement amongst the populace of a percentage is an appropriate use for such funds.  The Citizens of the State should have full opportunity to decide for themselves how to spend their personal share though opportunities should be established to allow for such funds to be directed, if so individually decided, to offset owed State taxes or established in accounts to ensure utility payments.

2)    20% of the total revenue garnered by the State “Hemp Tax” to be used to assist with Foster Home programs and in adoption services.  The idea here is to offer greater financial assistance to those individuals and families who serve their community as Foster Parents to help further offset the costs associated with additional mouths to feed and bodies to clothe.  A similar assistance package can be developed, based on similar amounts, to assist with adoption by allowing the State, through a portion of the State “Hemp Tax”, to offer adoptive parents a form of ‘child support’ assistance to help offset the costs of assuming such a noble role.  The overall intent of this idea is to offer realistic opportunities to those who wish to adopt and for those who are ideologically opposed to abortion, an opportunity to experience the positive benefits of adoption and thus, with hope, offer a more positive choice other than abortion wherever possible.

3)    20% of the total revenue garnered by the State “Hemp Tax” to be used to allow for a gradual increase in pay for State Employees.  This is simply a way in which to offer a means to increase the salaries of State employees without resorting to traditional means of taxation. 

4)    20% of the total revenue garnered by the State “Hemp Tax” to be allocated toward City, State and Local level infrastructure upgrades and repairs.  While there is an entire portion of the Federal “Hemp Tax” allocated to Infrastructure redevelopment, there are some areas wherein the State can play a direct role.  Primary in this concern would be to assist communities with the development of basic infrastructure needs.  Another idea that might prove beneficial would be to establish urban clean-up teams, offering employment to those in need through revitalizing dilapidated urban centers.

Therein lie four suggestions on how States might benefit through a State level “Hemp Tax” similar to that suggested on the Federal level.  By using the percentages of disbursement suggested here, a remainder of 20% of the State “Hemp Tax” revenue exists which should be sent to the voters of each individual State to decide what should be done with it.

National Security Discussion

National Security Discussion

"The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture."
~ Thomas Jefferson

After the world twisted and turned through the turbulent tide of the Twentieth Century, the United States found itself astride the globe as the premier economic and military super-power.  Strengthened by its compassion and emboldened by its market force, this radical experiment inspired the dreams of the destitute and the hopes of the oppressed.  As the breadbasket to the world, the champion of the weak, the United States sowed goodwill and reaped as its reward the adulation of Nations.  Yet complacency, greed and arrogance, hallmarks of a state losing its soul, slowly began their creeping corruption.  Now, as the world turns again, this tribe known as America stares with empty and wondering eyes while the winds of change blow away the illusion that what once was always shall stay the same.  What remains are empty storefronts and factories rusted shut.  The once mighty colossus has knelt, its visage yet strong with determined diversity but its bones broken, its sinews stretched and its arms propped up by the pretense of the past. 

The United States no longer holds its pre-eminent position as the economic engine in the world.  While the rest of the globe still feels the fluctuations of America’s markets, emerging economies are altering the rules of the international money game.  Fostered by the greed of Corporations no longer beholden to the land of their birth, jobs, like rats fleeing a ship of State, have left these shores in favor of slave wages overseas.  Labor is no longer considered, in an age of empty celebrity and fantasies of fortune and fame, a noble enough occupation to reward the efforts of the American psyche…or at least the elites, with their number crunching detachment, would have the masses believe.  Instead, that which is held in highest esteem is the unnatural undulations of usury and getting rich for naught but shifting credit.  All pipers must be paid though, and the golden calf that is financial speculation is no exception.  How is such a price to be paid when there is nothing substantial to back up the shifting illusion of the big board?  Simple…mortgage the price of future generations against the capital of competitors so as to pretend just a little longer that the Land of the Free remains unbound and brave regardless the shackles placed on the generations of tomorrow.

Herein lies the initial concern for the future security of the United States.  The health of a nation can be tied to the wealth of that nation.  When a nation, as with an individual, exists so dominantly on the credit extended by others, that nation becomes, ultimately, an indentured servant to those whom own the notes.  The United States today has sunk itself into a degree of debt unprecedented in the history of this land, the note holders being ideological adversaries and emerging global competitors.  What happens when the note is called in? With what will we pay?  What will our children pay?

If memory serves correctly, it was not long after draining its national resources on a failed military objective, one located in a land where even the great Alexander lost his way, that the Soviet Union began crumbling, unable to sustain itself.  When a treasury is empty, ample room exists for collapse, either as a hollowed shell or as an old bull caught unawares.  After seven years in Afghanistan, accompanied by a much larger compliment in Iraq, the ongoing adventures have left the U.S. a hollowed shell, the same as befell the Soviet Union.  There should be no doubt about the tenacity to stand and fight that exists in this nation, but that is useless facing the primary existing threat.  How does resolve fight an embargo on the now bankrupt United States, one involving essential items such as spare parts or fuel for the machines that run the modern American life? Allow for a moment to let your imagination run wild with all the possibilities you can think of, then consider those you haven’t.  With no further credit available, with no exportable product, with even the service jobs outsourced through non-citizen hiring and the stigma placed on traditional American labor, how will the United States keep its cohesion in the face of such a financial transfer of power?  In order to avoid such a fate, the United States must not only reclaim its manufacturing base, it is critical insofar as needed infrastructure component manufacturing.

The United States is also left vulnerable through its increasing reliance on a single primary crop, both economically as well as catastrophically.  Were there to be a bug, a fungus, a virus or bacteria to develop a significant taste for the homogenized strains which dominate the American corn crop, one such as what happened to the cotton crop with boll weevils or the potatoes in Ireland, how fast will the effects be felt?  Already there is a pinch being felt by the increased use of corn-based ethanol, one that threatens the very core of the American lifestyle, the price of beer.  Were the last commodity of trade in the United States to be stripped and devastated through such a cause, one with historical precedence, the U.S. would not have the finances to sustain a military, especially with its experienced soldiers still on cash consuming adventures overseas.  How long would it take for prices to soar?  Shortages to appear?  Desperation to set in?  How long until runs on the stores, coupled with increasing fuel restrictions, lack of finances and increasing fear leave shelves empty of the staples with supply sporadic at best?  Allow your imagination to run that scenario out a few months at a time and then recall the results of infamous famines.  Extend that scenario to encompass a period as long as that at James Town, the Potato Famine, the Siege of Leningrad or, for consistency and endurance, the reign of the boll weevil.  Now, with such a potential vividly imagined, take it one simple step further and consider that such a scenario does not need to rely on nature alone.  With modern chemistry or a little selective breeding, what innocuous agents can be taught the taste of corn?

If the advice of the Founding Fathers is given any credence anymore, the United States will considered hard the benefits to be found in adding Hemp/Cannabis to the national arsenal of economic resources.   As a primary source of bio-fuel, Hemp not only exists as the superior crop, but it frees corn up to serve its primary role as food.  The price of beer will also remain cheap as barley is no longer directed instead to feed livestock.  Hemp also has the added benefit of serving nutritional needs as well and, due to its hardiness, would be able to serve as a reserve food source if a bug did get hungry for corn.  As an engine of the economy, the cultivation, the processing and the production of Hemp based products, in all possible roles, offers a base for tens of millions of jobs.  To prevent a shortage based upon an embargo of parts, all machinery used in the cultivation and processing of Hemp should be required to be made in the United States.  It is a deadly policy to rely on potential enemies to make the machines needed to survive.  On this commodity, Hemp/Cannabis, for whatever product might be produced of it, should fall a strict and preferential tariff for at least a decade so as to ensure, with the creativity and imagination of American ingenuity and science, the United States achieves an advantage in technology and thus exports products rather than imports basics.  With certain trade partners, such as those that have a positive effect on the U.S. economy like existing automobile importers, technological partnerships should be made with emphasis on domestic production.  Just in considering the dispersion of such a market domestically, a decade long head start before the rest of the world catches on does not even begin to tap the potential economic power possible and a strong economy is the best national defense.

Discussion Concerning Veterans Affairs

Discussion Concerning Veterans Affairs

"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."
~ George Washington

When considering the areas in which funds are to be disbursed in this proposition, the most important block of funds are those 9% which are to be dedicated to assisting Military Veterans and their families.  This proposal addresses four separate areas of concern.  It does not discuss Health Care benefits and insurance as those are inclusive under the Health Care section of Proposition 420.  What this section does deal with however are four issues dealing with the living standards of those who serve as well as honorable compensation for sacrifices made.  This first part focuses on ensuring that our serving Military Personnel need not be burdened unduly worrying about the basic living expenses of their families.  The second part is an attempt to address the dishonorable situation in this land wherein Veterans, men and women who served this nation with distinction, are counted among the homeless.  A suggestion is then offered which considers a means to assist Disabled Veterans with a pension to assist with the costs of living.  Finally, recommendation is made to dedicate a portion of the revenue received through the National “Hemp Tax” to establish a “Fallen Soldier” fund, designed to directly and immediately financially assist the families of those who perish in the line of duty.

With the current unfocused conflicts which the United States is involved in along with the on-going economic troubles faced due to the excessive debt incurred, one of the more shameful situations that has evolved is the need by some military families to resort to pay-day loans and food stamps.  This is a shame which blights the Nation, one which must be rectified.  Therefore, means need to be established to apply a percentage of the “Hemp Tax” funds dedicated to Veterans Affairs to directly assist Military Families with basic costs associated with living expenses.  Exactly how this should be implemented would need discussion and input from a variety of sources though a suggestion would be to either create a fund with which Military Families in need may tap when needed on review or an equal disbursement throughout the Armed Services addressing certain pay grades and situations.  However this is ultimately implemented, it desperately needs to be established.  Our Soldiers, regardless the dangers they so bravely face, must be assured that their Nation loves them enough so as to ensure the domestic welfare of their spouses and children.

“Veteran – hungry, homeless - please help – God bless”  How many such signs grace street corners across this country?  How often are those words accompanied by the word “disabled” and carried by an unkempt individual with obvious physical impairments?  How is it that the United States allows even one such sign to grace even one street corner in this land?  Of all national disgraces ever embraced by the United States, this epidemic of heroes turned loose, penniless, to face the night without shelter must rank within the most infamous of all.  When Johnny comes marching home, not always is there a home to return to for the military was home.  Not always is that Government Issue Joe capable of dealing with this world so far from a battlefield.  Then there are those who, by any thousands of possible circumstances, find themselves destitute and in want of shelter.  Very few choose to end up in the streets.  The directing of funds to a program designed to offer shelter and structure along with the tools to take control of ones life is not a hand out.  What needs to be established is a program to do just that.  One possible aspect of that program could be the establishment of multi-unit dwellings specifically designed to offer rooms from which to reestablish themselves within a supported support community of fellow veterans.  A national discussion needs to be joined on this subject.

It would be honorable if Disabled Veterans, with their medical fully covered, were offered a pension sufficient enough, as funds become available through the increased national acceptance and commercial use of Hemp, cover with certainty, at the minimum that needed to ensure a roof over their head.  This would be separate from the issue of housing homeless Veterans as here it would be an assistance to any Disabled Veteran, regardless their home, to ensure that basic living expenses are paid.  As the total revenue from the “Hemp Tax” becomes greater and greater over time, before too long this Nation will be able to cover those expenses with ease.  It is the least that could be done.

Finally, for those who sacrifice even more and whose family suffers most, such a loss in the service of the United States should never have financial stresses added on top.  All funeral expenses should be covered.  Also, a fund should be established from which to financially assist those who survive a Soldier.  This fund should be designed to offer relief from initial financial burdens and be used to relieve debt of those who remain so that added financial stress doesn’t also result in the loss of property.  As we should not suffer our Veterans to be homeless, we should not allow their grieving children to do so either.  This fund should eventually become supported enough to allow for full scholarships to the children of those lost.

The suggestions offered within these four areas are by no means the singular course which should be taken.  A national dialog needs to be developed wherein the breadth of our community may input their ideas in how to ensure continued support for those who offer themselves so nobly.  All that is offered here are the briefest of sketches.  It is the need for such programs and the potential manner of their funding that stands out in bold relief.  ‘Hemp for Victory’ was the name of a government sponsored film aimed at encouraging domestic Hemp production during the Second World War.  That cry needs to be remembered, needs to be answered, and Hemp offers that possibility.